Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dreaming of Summer

I can't talk about it.  I've forbid myself to discuss it.  No more complaining, whining or groaning.  Summer will come when it's ready.  And until then, I'm ignoring this crap weather.

Yes, all of my attention is toward the best season of the year.  And they say it's gonna be a hot one.  I love it!! 

But if there's one thing that having three kids has taught me, it's that thinking about summer in the middle of winter is a must.  Having a baby = hard.  Managing a toddler = hard.  Dealing with bored 6 and 8 year olds who then pick on the 3 year old = REALLY HARD.  So when those March/April/May summer camp deadlines roll around, you need to have a plan. 

Our plan this year is mostly out of town, with Steve joining us here and there.  We're gonna soak up tons of family time, as I'm planning to go back to work in the fall.  So we're calling it the last hurrah.  And what a hurrah it will be...

Home Base

The house I grew up in is our home base.  We get to spread out, the city kids get a taste of suburban life, and my parents spoil the boys silly.  Who could be happier?

In between swim and sports lessons -that I'm in the middle of signing them up for from afar, fingers crossed- we're gonna take full advantage of those special summer events.


They're dual.  It's the 4th of July for them too.  They even know almost all the words to the Star Spangled Banner, dangit.

He's Ready
So Am I

The infamous pool at my brother & sister-in-law's house.  It isn't summer without it.

Go Brew Crew

Living 20 minutes outside a B market city has it's perks.  Miller Stadium is 20 minutes away.  The sausage race during the 7th inning stretch is a bonus.

WI State Fair Cream Puffs
Milk Chug Contest

Other perks?  Living in the dairy state.  No shortage of beef and multiple servings of calcium everyday. 

We're Going Again!?!?

But the best perk is visiting the biggest small town in the state.  Green Bay, WI.  The mecca of football. 

It will be our third visit to the Packers Training Camp.  And this year, we're bringing our littlest.  He missed out on the first two trips since he was just too young.  But there's no holding that 3 year old Packer owner back (we bought him a share when he was a baby), so this year is his inaugural trip. 

So get ready, family.  If that thing I'm not thinking about ever goes away, we'll pack up our swimsuits and shorts and head on down!!