Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Home Stretch

Company's coming in two days.  And...

I.  Am.  Tired.

Thank you to my mother-in-law and step-father-in-law for taking George on a holiday last weekend so I could finish painting the baby room on 3.  I am happy to say it's complete.  Including pictures hung on the wall. 


8 craigslist posts, 4 trips to goodwill, 3 garbage days, 2 trips to BMV (2nd hand book/video store),  2 recycling days, 1 trip to the dump and a few "free" pitches to the curb.  We are ready for guests. 

Sorry, blog.  The big reveal will be for their eyes when they get here this weekend.  I need a few "ahhh" moments in real time.  But...I can't keep it all under wraps....

No More Green

George is currently sleeping soundly on 3.  As would I.  Why?  He now has the most "finished" room of the family.  Which simply means I have imminent plans for the big boys room and (gasp!) the master bedroom.  Aka: the most overlooked room under this roof.

Guest on 3

Ready for my brother and his wife.  It's never been a more comfortable room.  Which is good, because an expectant woman needs comfort :)  !!!!!

Guest on 2 - Late Afternoon

The afternoon light in this room is amazing.  Not conducive to a siesta, but gorgeous, nonetheless.  My parents are excited to be back in their "new" guest room right next to the main bathroom.  Don't think I didn't employ any strategy there. 

Picasso's "Guernica"

Before we decided to change our first floor, we dug out a bunch of old posters waiting in the wings, intending to frame.  We pulled a few out and decided to pull the trigger.  This was a winner. 

I bought this "Guernica" print when I visited the original mural at the Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain.  It traveled with me overseas, through many apartments in many cities and finally to Toronto.  Yesterday, it found a home in our main hallway.  And I love it.

More Picasso

The Expedit organizers in our dining room have had more attention than necessary.  Their function outweigh the fashion factor.  But another set of Picasso prints were framed along with "Guernica," and found their place above each organizer. 

Does anyone else sense a Spanish theme on the first floor or is it just me?

Basement Art

Lastly, the basement.

It is the holy grail of the house.  Anything and everything that enters must be of the highest order.  Hence, the etsy prints from Mr. City Printing that we LOOOOOOVE. 

You can see Chicago, IL above.  There are three in total.  If you can guess the other two, then you know our story. 

I am exhausted and elated all at once....if our guests arrived in 5 minutes, our house would be able to handle it.  Thankfully, we have another 48 hours to remove dust bunnies, buy more pillows and stock up on booze.  Just because I'm from Wisconsin, it doesn't mean we only know cheese. 

Stay tuned for pictures of Wysocki's in Toronto 2012!!

And, yes, I'm in love with Instagram.

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